Tuesday, March 7, 2023

March Golf Course Transition

March Transition

 March is the toughest month to present a consistent golf course.  This is because the golf course turf has not grown/grown very little since November.  By the time we get to March, the turf is beat down from maintenance equipment, carts, and foot traffic.  The good new is that the turf does start growing and begins to repair itself from the winter damage.  However, the turf does not all green up at the same time.  All South facing slopes will green up quicker vs North facing slopes.  Seeing the photos below (S) South vs (N) North facing slopes.       

#11 Rough

#14 Green

#11 Green

The turf around the course is in all different states of health and some areas will taking longer to green up.  The putting surfaces that green up last in the spring are our North facing greens- #2, #4, #5, #7, #18.  This is a great time for the members to be patient.  The biggest mistake is to mow our putting surfaces too low and roll to often (chase green speeds) and set the turf  back when its most vulnerable.